
Random bits of inspiration - I

Michael Huassar

Hussar's work has been a large inspiration to my own for some time, and one of the artists who I was the most interested in before I started painting.  The sickly, pale skin, the dark sore eyes, the swollen red lips, and the contrast used in his work are all astounding to me.

The first two pictures are detail shots of Gummer, (Oil on wood, 72"x72", 2002)
The third picture is a figure study which I think is particularly lovely.  Everything from the simple large marks which make up the clothing, to the lighting and quality of the paint in the face.  The eyes, lips and nose are really special.

Lu Cong
Oil on panel, 48 inches by 48 inches, 2008

 Avery's Calling
Oil on panel, 48 inches by 60 inches, 2008

Every Year Ends
Oil on panel, 48 inches by 54 inches, 2009

Lu Cong's work looks so soft, and his figures are painted so well.. very realistic but incredibly stylized.  I could look at the first painting all day, I swoon over this stuff.


 Mucha's work will always be a large inspiration to me, as is the entire illustration style of the art nouveau period.  This past year more art nouveau influences started making their way into my drawings.